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A volatile week sees Bitcoin reach a two-month high above $30,000

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    A bitcoin is seen in an illustration picture taken at La Maison du Bitcoin in Paris

    A bitcoin is seen in an illustration picture taken at La Maison du Bitcoin in Paris, France, June 23, 2017. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/File Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

    LONDON, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Bitcoin jumped on Friday above $30,000 for first time since July , taking gains for the week past 10%, against a backdrop of volatile trading across cryptocurrencies.

    Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by circulation, climbed as high as $30,022, its highest since July 23. It was last up 4% on the day.

    There was no immediate news catalyst for the move in bitcoin, said Joseph Edwards, head of research at London crypto firm Enigma Securities. Bitcoin is known for its volatility and the opacity of its markets.

    The mood across the broader financial markets has also been nervy lately. Investor sentiment has been rattled by war in the Middle East, a rise in benchmark U.S. 10-year yields towards 5% and concern about the prospect of interest rates staying a lot higher for a lot longer.

    Bitcoin markets have been especially skittish this week, as investors await news of the fate of applications with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by major financial firms including BlackRock.

    The approval of any such applications, crypto investors have said, could usher in a new wave of capital to the asset class.

    "Crypto assets are increasingly bucking the sell-off seen across stocks and bonds, as investors focus on the coming catalysts, like a potential SEC approval of a spot ETF," eToro strategist Ben Laidler said.

    Bitcoin rose suddenly on Monday, before giving up nearly all its gains, after asset manager BlackRock denied a crypto media report that its high-profile ETF application has been approved.

    Reporting by Tom Wilson and Elizabeth Howcroft; Editing by Amanda Cooper

    Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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