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In a $405 billion Bitcoin-laundering case, a couple will enter a guilty plea

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    Heather Morgan and her husband, Ilya Lichtenstein, sat on either side of an attorney during a court hearing last year in New York. Photo: Elizabeth Williams/Associated Press

    A married New York couple charged with conspiring to launder billions of dollars of bitcoin that was stolen in the 2016 hack of crypto exchange Bitfinex are set to plead guilty, according to a court order and a person familiar with the matter. 

    Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., charged Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan in February 2022 after investigators used software to trace stolen digital currency to accounts the two owned. Each was charged with conspiring to launder money and conspiring to defraud the U.S.

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    Author: Jennifer James

    Last Updated: 1704665641

    Views: 2208

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    Author information

    Name: Jennifer James

    Birthday: 2014-11-15

    Address: 429 Hicks Falls Suite 613, Lake Dylanchester, MD 53281

    Phone: +4327659537637434

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Aquarium Keeping, Robotics, Rock Climbing, Telescope Building, Surfing, Beer Brewing, Bowling

    Introduction: My name is Jennifer James, I am a intrepid, priceless, unreserved, important, sincere, daring, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.